Services are uploaded between 2:30 and 4:30 pm EST: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
Services are uploaded between 2:30 and 4:30 pm EST: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
(Joh 1:1) (Joh 1:14)
Lesson #1- "Matthew Lesson #1"
Lesson #2- "Matthew Lesson #2"
Lesson #3- "Joseph a Common Man that God Could Use"
Lesson #4- "Savior, Mediator, Priest, King"
Lesson #5- "Virgin Birth"
Lesson #6- "The Birth of the Eternal King"
Lesson #7- " Hypostatic Union"
Lesson #8- "Haughtiness of Herod"
Lesson #9- "Hypocrisy in Leadership Leads to Evil
Lesson #10- "King Herod Implodes"
Lesson #11- "Perseverance Under Pressure"
Lesson #12- "Intro John the Baptist"
Lesson #13- "Baptism"
Lesson #14- "Baptism II"
Lesson #15- "Baptism III"
Lesson #16- "Adjust to the Word of God"
Lesson #17- "Abrahamic Ties"
Lesson #18- "The Flesh Is Useless"
Lesson #19- "New Covenant for Israel"
Lesson #20- "False Humility vs. Divine Humility"
Lesson #21- "Baptism Holy Spirit Begins"
Lesson #22- "Sustaining Power of the Holy Spirit"
Lesson #23- "Intro to Matthew Chapter 4"
Lesson #24- "Dependent upon the Word of God"
Lesson #25- "Satan the Ruler of the World"
Lesson #26- "The Mission Is Never a Failure Unless We Quit!"
Lesson #27- "Filled And Following the Holy Spirit"
Lesson #28- "Understanding Divine Guidance"
Lesson #29- "The Will of God Leads to Divine Guidance"
Lesson #30- "The Mechanics of the Will of God"
Lesson #31- "Assembling the Body of Christ"
Lesson #32- "True Healing Ministry"
Lesson #33- "The 12 Apostles"
Lesson #34- "The Apostles Get a Crash Course of Doctrine"
Lesson #35- "The Beatitudes"
Lesson #36- "Understanding Inner Peace from God"
Lesson #37- "The Salt and Light of the Earth"
Lesson #38- "Understanding the Mosaic Law"
Lesson #39- "The Law Is Fulfilled"
Lesson #40- "The New Spiritual Law"
Lesson #41- "The New Spiritual Law II"
Lesson #42- "A Believer's Responsibility in the New Law"
Lesson #43- "True Forgiveness Opens the Gates for Peace"
Lesson #44- "The Believer Must Understand the Divine Chain Command"
Lesson #45- "The Lust of the Eyes"
Lesson #46- "God's Standard for Divorce"
Lesson #47- "The Standard for Biblical Divorce"
Lesson #48- "Vows to the Lord"
Lesson #49- "Spiritual Strength Is Needed in Adversity"
Lesson #50- " Christ Strengthens the Believer"
Lesson #51- "The Christian Walk Is Unique"
Lesson #52- "The Facade of Legalism Is Exposed"
Lesson #53- "Christian Prayer"
Lesson #54- "Doctrine of Prayer"
Lesson #55- "The Power of Prayer"
Lesson #56- "The Lord's Prayer"
Lesson #57- "Forgiveness"
Lesson #58- "Fasting"
Lesson #59- "Where Is Your Treasure?"
Lesson #60- "Worry Is a Satanic Weapon"
Lesson #61- "Learn to Live in the Day"
Lesson #62- "Judge Not, Unless You Desire Judgement"
Lesson #63- "Do Not Throw Your Pearls on Swine "
Lesson #64- "The Gentleness of God the Father"
Lesson #65- "The Law Is Love"
Lesson #66- "The Christian Walk Is the Narrow Way"
Lesson #67- "A Good Tree Cannot Produce Bad Fruit"
Lesson #68- "Godliness"
Lesson #69- "Unlimited Atonement"
Lesson #70- "Jesus Came to Save Not Salvage"
Lesson #71- "Miracles, Signs and Wonders"
Lesson #72- "Miracles & Tongues"
Lesson #73- "Tongues the Temporary Gift"
Lesson 374- " A Respect for Protocol in the Face of Adversity"
Lesson #75- "Only One Race Will Walk in Eternal Security, Born Again Believers"
Lesson #76- "The Cross Heals the Soul"
Lesson #77- "The Believer Who Lacks Faith"
Lesson #78- "Don't Allow a Circumstance to Dictate Your Faith"
Lesson #79- "The Unbeliever That Flies Under the Radar"
Lesson #80- "Demon Possession"
Lesson #81- "Active Faith Means Strong Faith That Steps Forward"
Lesson #82- "The Birth of Sin"
Lesson #83- "Washing Sin From Our Lives"
Lesson #84- "Repentance"
Lesson #85- "Washing the World Off Our Feet"
Lesson #86- "Matthew the Friend of Sinners"
Lesson #87- "The Rituals and Lip Service of Serving God"
Lesson #88- "The Bridegroom Celebrates with the Future Bride"
Lesson #89- "The Do's and Don'ts of Christianity"
Lesson #90- "Christ is Resurrected and So Are We!"
Lesson #91- "Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of God"
Lesson #92- "Familiarity Breeds Contempt"
Lesson #93- "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit"
Lesson #94- "Believers Must Follow the One True Shepherd"
Lesson #95- "God Always Pursues His Children"
Lesson #96- "The Greed That the Cosmic Pulpit Breeds"
Lesson #97- "The Worker Is Worthy of His Wage"
Lesson #98- "Preparing the Apostles & Introducing Them to God the Holy Spirit"
Lesson #99- "The Age of Israel Interrupted"
Lesson #100- "The View to the Future"
Lesson #101- "Mere Man Can not Harm You"
Lesson #102- "The Lord Brings the Sword"
Lesson #103- "The Sword Is the Truth of the Word"
Lesson #104- "Love the Lord First"
Lesson #105- "Love Is a Thought Not An Emotion"
Lesson #106- "Divine Love Never Fails"
Lesson #107- "Pick Up Your Cross"
Lesson #108- "He Who Loves this World Is Destined for Misery"
Lesson #109- "Are You the Expected One?"
Lesson #110- "Who Do You Desire Behind the Pulpit?"
Lesson #111- "Elijah & John the Baptist"
Lesson #112- "Seek the Wisdom from Above"
Lesson #113- "Rebound, Repent & Recover"
Lesson #114- "Truth Is Revealed to the Humble"
Lesson #115- "We Are All Under a Yoke"
Lesson #116- "A Study on the Sabbath"
Lesson #117- "Doctrine of the Sabbath"
Lesson #118- "Sabbath"
Lesson #119- "The Lord Is the Bread of Life"
Lesson #120- "Grace Is Not a License to Sin Nor a Decree of Living in Vulnerability"
Lesson #121- "Stretch Out Your Hand"
Lesson #122- "Jesus Was Focused on the Plan and Led by the Spirit"
Lesson #123- "Arrogance Embraces the Unpardonable Sin"
Lesson #124- "Fake Healers and False Witnesses Cannot Stand Against the True Messiah"
Lesson #125- "Your Words Reveal Your Heart"
Lesson #126- "Careless Words Lead People Astray"
Lesson #127- "The Pastor-Teacher"
Lesson #128- "Apostleship"
Lesson #129- "Roles & Responsibilities for Church Leaders"
Lesson #130- "The Perseverance of Paul"
Lesson #131- "The Role of a Woman in Church Leadership"
Lesson #132- "An Evil and Adulterous Generation Seek Signs"
Lesson #133- "How Far Would You Travel for the Truth?"
Lesson #134- "Teachers from the Cosmic Academy"
Lesson #135- "Who Are Your Brothers and Sisters?"
Lesson #136- "The Mystery Doctrine Begins"
Lesson #137- "Jesus Leaves the Temple"
Lesson #138- "The Believer Who Withers"
Lesson #139- "Distracted and Burdened by Cosmic Assaults"
Lesson #140- "Spiritual Confidence"
Lesson #141- "Spiritual Independence"
Lesson #142- "God Rejects Evil & Deals with It Aggressively Concerning the Believer"
Lesson #143- "God’s Plan Was Developed for the Believer to Gain Maturity & Blessings in Time"
Lesson #144- "Jesus Planted the Crop before the Cross and It Continues to Grow"
Lesson #145- "Tares Among the Wheat"
Lesson #146- "The Enemy Will Continue to Sow Poisonous Seeds until Christ Returns"
Lesson #147- " Why Is a Tare Allowed to Grow Alongside the Wheat?"
Lesson #148- "Teaching the Tares Right Alongside the Wheat"
Lesson #149- "God Appoints a Time for Everything"
Lesson #150- "The Mustard Seed that Grew into a World Wide Sensation"
Lesson #151- "The Leaven of Satan’s System"
Lesson #152- "Historical Trends Not Prophecy Are what Church Age Believers Rely Upon"
Lesson #153- "Historical Trends, Divine Institutions and Authority"
Lesson #154- "Respect for Authority in God’s Divine Establishments"
Lesson #155- "Nationalism a Key Principle in Historical Trends"
Lesson #156- "Doctrine of Authority within Nationalism"
Lesson #157- "We Are God’s Treasure"
Lesson #158- "The Dragnet of Evangelism"
Lesson #159- "Familiarity often Rejects Authority"
Lesson #160- "Pride, the Devastating Sin"
Lesson #161- "Arrogant Pride Brings Long Term Misery"
Lesson #162- "Satanic Pride Distorts Truth & Destroys People"
Lesson #163- "Blind Pride Rejects Truth"
Lesson #164- "Pride in the Right Context Is Healthy"
Lesson #165- "The Dangerous Dance of Salome"
Lesson #166- "The Phallic Cult"
Lesson #167- "You Shall Have No Other Gods before Me"
Lesson #168- "Sexual Idolatry Begins with a Subtle Thought"
Lesson #169- "Idolatry the Doorway to Demonic Influence"
Lesson #170- "The Clarity of Scripture about the Phallic Cult Gives Us Serious Warnings"
Lesson #171- "The Power of the Phallic Cult Results in the Blackout of the Soul"
Lesson #172- "Spiritual Adultery"
Lesson #173- "Jezebel the Spirit of Lust & Dominance"
Lesson #174- "The Phallic Cult Defiles the Mind & Body"
Lesson #175- "The Death of a Believer Is Not a Time for Continued Mourning"
Lesson #176- "Learning the Role of Leadership"
Lesson #177- "God’s Grace Supplied for Our Needs"
Lesson #178- "God’s Grace Is More than Sufficient"
Lesson #179- "The Food of the Word Sustains the Believer in the Church Age"
Lesson #180- "The Believer Will Struggle with Anxiety and Fear When Emotions Push Faith to the Side"
Lesson #181- "Confidence Comes from the Lord"
Lesson #182- "The Shield of Faith"
Lesson #183- "The Building Blocks of Strong Faith"
Lesson #184- "Faith Rest"
Lesson #185- "Strong Faith & Perseverance Go Hand in Hand"
Lesson #186- "Faith, a Function of Spiritual Strength"
Lesson #187- "When God Decides the Storm Is Over It Is Final"
Lesson #188- "Secular Humanism a Religion of Self"
Lesson #189- "Washing Your Hands Is Not As Important As Washing Your Heart"
Lesson #190- "Jesus Reveals the Dirty Hands of the Legalistic Crowd"
Lesson #191- "The Heart Filled with Cosmic Doctrine Is Thousands of Miles from God"
Lesson #192- "The Precepts of Men Do Not Dictate the Plan of God"
Lesson #193- "A Time for Righteous Indignation and Standing Against Evil Authority"
Lesson #194- "What Proceeds Out of the Mouth Defiles the Man"
Lesson #195- "To Dwell in the Word Is Where Intimacy Begins"
Lesson #196- "Put on the New Nature"
Lesson #197- "Perfection Only Comes Through Christ"
Lesson #198- "The Old Sin Nature Is Only a Temporary Stumbling Block"
Lesson #199- "The Believer Has the Ability to Walk in the Nature of Christ Right Now"
Lesson #200- "Acknowledging God’s Word Washes Us Clean"
Lesson #201- "Unlimited Forgiveness is the Sovereign Will of God"
Lesson #202- "Walking by the Spirit"
Lesson #203- "We Can Fool Others but Never God"
Lesson #204- "The Boldness of the Humanity of Christ Should Never Be Overlooked"
Lesson #205- "The Believer Who Lacks Understanding Needs to Awake and Take Responsibility"
Lesson #206- "Overt Sins Begin as Internal Struggles"
Lesson #207- "God Will Call You to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone as You Grow in His Plan"
Lesson #208- "How Far Would You Walk to Save Your Enemy?"
Lesson #209- "The Lord Unifies Through His Work and His Word"
Lesson #210- "Lay Yourself Down in Front of the Lord"
Lesson #211- "God’s Compassion Is Not Based on Human Emotions"
Lesson #212- "Those Who Truly Seek the Lord Will Never Go Hungry"
Lesson #213- "Have You Forgotten the Power of God That Can Supply All Your Needs?"
Lesson #214- "Accept Your Fellowship with the Lord, His Grace Will Abundantly Supply All Your Needs"
Lesson #215- "The Banquet for Believers Is Not Exclusive"
Lesson #216- "The Audacity of Unbelievers Challenging God Has Always Been a Symbol of Satan's Power"
Lesson #217- "Arrogance Is What Keeps Most People in the Dark"
Lesson #218- "The History of the Counterfeit Influence of Religion Designed to Replace Christianity"
Lesson #219- "The Gnostics Infiltrate the Early Church"
Lesson #220- "Satan Created Religion as the Counterfeit to Christianity"
Lesson #221- "Satan’s Counterfeits within the Church Breed Human Works"
Lesson #222- "The Believer Must Understand Separation and God’s Timing within It"
Lesson #223- "Separation Is Never the First Response or Easiest Approach"
Lesson #224- "Separation Is Done with Compassion and Truth"
Lesson #225- "Bible Doctrine Dictates Separation As It Does All the Believers Actions"
Lesson #226- "The Word of God Guides Us Even in the Worst Environment"
Lesson #227- "Truth Is Elusive Only When It Is Neglected"
Lesson #228- "Rejecting God’s Calling Causes the Believer to Wrestle Against God"
Lesson #229- "The Five Types of Leaven All Believers Should Understand"
Lesson #230- "Who Do You Say Jesus Is?"
Lesson #231- "The Two Natures of Jesus Christ"
Lesson #232- "The Doctrine of the Hypostatic Union"
Lesson #233- "The Unique God-man Jesus Christ"
Lesson #234- "God the Father Reveals His Plan"
Lesson #235- "Jesus Told the Faithful Apostles I Will Build My Church with You"
Lesson #236- "The Rock- His Work Is Perfect"
Lesson #237- "The Apostles Advance Toward the Head of the Class"
Lesson #238- "Peter Allows Emotions to Dictate His Role"
Lesson #239- "God’s Plans Do Not Fit Neatly into Man’s Imagination"
Lesson #240- "Cosmic Christians Assume They Know the Plan of God"
Lesson #241- "A View of the Coming Crucifixion"
Lesson #242- "Pick Up Your Cross Believer"
Lesson #243- "The Believer Shares the Life of Christ"
Lesson #244- "The Believer Receives the Benefits"
Lesson #245- "To Truly Follow the Lord Is The Journey to Spiritual Maturity"
Lesson #246- "There Comes a Point Where the World’s Opinions No Longer Matter to the Believer"
Lesson #247- "Christian Confidence"
Lesson #248- "The Believer Can Rest Assured of the 2nd Advent of Christ"
Lesson #249- "Jesus Reveals a Preview of the Divine Kingdom"
Lesson #250- "The Importance of the Two Witnesses"
Lesson #251- "Responsibility in God’s Plan Needs to be Recognized According to the Title & Authority"
Lesson #252- "Understanding the Biblical Term for Clouds"
Lesson #253- "How Clouds Can Display the Plan of God in Action"
Lesson #254- "Listen to the Lord And You Will Never Be Led Astray"
Lesson #255- "There Is No Fear of the Lord Only Reverence"
Lesson #256- "The Majority Are Easily Led Astray"
Lesson #257- "Christian Suffering Is Assigned at Certain Points"
Lesson #258- "Suffering for the Believer Can Be the Growth and Blessing They Need"
Lesson #259- "The Christian Can Suffer Because of Association"
Lesson #260- "Suffering Often Comes from Our Decision Outside the Plan of God"
Lesson #261- "Suffering For Growth and Blessings Glorify God in the Angelic Warfare"
Lesson #262- "God’s Grace & Mercy Are Abundant"
Lesson #263- "Demonic Illness Is a Reality"
Lesson #264- "Understanding God’s Grace Assists the Believer in Applying Faith"
Lesson #265- "Your Faith Dictates Your Spiritual Blessings and Endurance"
Lesson #266- "The Divine Decree"
Lesson #267- "God’s Plan from Eternity Past Accounts for Chaos, Deception & Failure of Man and Satan"
Lesson #268- "The Plan of God for All and the Personal Plan Just for You"
Lesson #269- "Tithing or Taxes"
Lesson #270- "Jesus Knew the Right Approach at the Right Time"
Lesson #271- "The Deception of Pride"
Lesson #272- "The Faith of a Child Is Required"
Lesson #273- "Do Not Be the Stumbling Block for Others"
Lesson #274- "Demonic Forces Are Always Related to Child Abuse in Any Form"
Lesson #275- "The Satanic History of Child Abuse"
Lesson #276- "The Believer Can Rise Above Abuse and Past Damage Through the Word of God"
Lesson #277- "The Healing Hand of God Removes the Pain From the Past"
Lesson #278- "The Innocent Children Go Home to Be with The Lord"
Lesson #279- "God Breathes Soul Life into Humanity at Birth"
Lesson #280- "Handle all Children with Great Care"
Lesson #281- "The Deception from the World on How Fallen Mankind Can Enter Heaven"
Lesson #282- "The Merits of Our Lord Are All We Can Count On"
Lesson #283- "There Is Angelic Protection Around the Believer"
Lesson #284- "The Great Shepherd Will Guide and Protect You"
Lesson #285- "Forgiveness Comes Through Christ"
Lesson #286- "Bitterness the Enemy of Forgiveness"
Lesson #287- "Forgiveness May Help Bring a Believer Back From the Sin unto Death"
Lesson #288- "Forgiveness, a Foundational Piece of All Relationships"
Lesson #289- "Who Are You Holding Hostage?"
Lesson #290- "God Never Approves of Human Divorce Gimmicks"
Lesson #291- "Failure in Christian Marriage Is Due to Failure in the Spiritual Life"
Lesson #292- "Christian Marriage the Third Witness in the Angelic Conflict"
Lesson #293- "Husband Learn to Love - Wife Learn to Respect"
Lesson #294- "What a Blessing the Right Woman Can Be to Marriage"
Lesson #295- "Husband Understand Who You Are Called to Be in Marriage"
Lesson #296- "The Husband Needs a Balance Between Strength & Compassion"
Lesson #297- "Infidelity, Abuse and Unrealistic Expectations Destroy Marriage"
Lesson #298- Removed
Lesson #299- "Religion Blocks People from God"
Lesson #300- "Don’t Buy the Lie; If I Am Good Enough God Will Accept Me"
Lesson #301- "Jesus Exposes the Self Righteous with Their Own Words and Deeds"
Lesson #302- "Do You Have an Idol in Your Life?"
Lesson #303- "When a Christian Nation Indulges in Idol Worship They Will Incur the Wrath of God"
Lesson #304- "The Camel Goes Through the Eye of the Needle"
Lesson #305- "Do You Understand Regeneration?"
Lesson #306- "There Is No Earthly Comparison for What God Has Prepared for Us"
Lesson #307- "Matthew Lesson 307. Please Feel Free to Comment and Share, Thanks!"
Lesson #308- "Your Fleshy Desires Interfere with the Plan of God"
Lesson #309- "God Sees Through our Hidden Agenda"
Lesson #310- "God’s Grace Gifts at Salvation"
Lesson #311- "The 40 Grace Gifts at Salvation"
Lesson #312- "Why Are You Standing Idle in the Plan of God?"
Lesson #313- "Liberalism Is a Stepping Stone Toward Paganism"
Lesson #314- "Many People Will Not Listen to Truth No Matter How It Is Presented"
Lesson #315- "They Persecuted the Lord, They Will Persecute You"
Lesson #316- "The Firm Yet Fair Parent Is the Model in God’s Plan"
Lesson #317- "God Wants Us Prepared for the Cup We Are Called to Drink"
Lesson #318- "Learn to Live in Your Ambassadorship"
Lesson #319- "You Have Been Redeemed from the Slave Market of Sin"
Lesson #320- "Biblical Slavery: Why Was It Allowed?"
Lesson #321- "Understanding God’s Permissive Will Within the Concept of Slavery"
Lesson #322- "The History of Slavery Reveals Mankind’s Old Sin Nature"
Lesson #323- "Freedom from Slavery Comes through Christ"
Lesson #324- "Beware of Mob Mentality"
Lesson #325- "Sincere Religious People Are Sincerely Wrong"
Lesson #326- "Seek the Lord"
Lesson #327- "The Prophetic Spotlight Was Blinding as Christ Entered Jerusalem"
Lesson #328- "Cosmic Viewpoint Confused the Legalistic Jews"
Lesson #329- "Clearly the Messiah Came as the Suffering Servant First"
Lesson #330- "The Old Testament Foretold of the Humble Messiah of the 1st Advent"
Lesson #331- "Freely It Is Given Freely You Shall Give"
Lesson #332- "Father’s Day"
Lesson #333- "Jesus Takes a Bold Stand And a Old Statement"
Lesson #334- "The Fig Tree Withers Without the Power of Christ"
Lesson #335- "Understanding the Power of the Word Over the Power of Miracles"
Lesson #336- "God Places Authority in Our Path and There Is No Greater Authority than His Word"
Lesson #337- "The Blindness of the Legalistic Jews Was Prophetic"
Lesson #338- "God Looks at the Heart"
Lesson #339- "The Vineyard of the Church Age Should Produce Fruit"
Lesson #340- "Answer When God Calls and Stand Your Post"
Lesson #341- "Who Is the Vine-Grower in Your Vineyard"
Lesson #342- "The Root of Bitterness Can Lead To Insanity"
Lesson #343- "Freedom Without Responsibility Is Chaos"
Lesson #344- "Religion & Political Power Are Two Avenues Designed to Control the Majority"
Lesson #345- "The Parable of the Future Wedding for Israel"
Lesson #346- "Few Are Chosen Because Few Respond"
Lesson #347- "Test the Spirit from the Pulpit"
Lesson #348- "Within the Divine Decree All Thoughts & Actions Were Calculated"
Lesson #349- "God Gives Grace, We Can Respond in Faith"
Lesson #350- "Election Is Completely Christ Dependent"
Lesson #351- "The Toxic Blend of Religion and State"
Lesson #352- "Christians Must Live in Principles Ordained by God for a Client Nation Unto God to Thrive"
Lesson #353- "Difference Between Temporal Citizenship and Heavenly Citizenship"
Lesson #353b- "Difference Between Temporal Citizenship and Heavenly Citizenship" (Last 15 minutes of Message, Technical Difficulties)
Lesson #354- "Radical Liberalism is a Cancer to the Pulpit"
Lesson #355- "In the Resurrection the Only Marriage Is the Believer to Christ"
Lesson #356- "The Resurrection Is the Assurance of What Is to Come"
Lesson #357- "Beware of Subjective Arrogance"
Lesson #358- "The Laws & Commands All Point to a Love Relationship with Christ"
Lesson #359- "Spiritual Freedom Allows Us to Grow Our Faith"
Lesson #360- "The Intersection of Faith, Love & Trust Is Where Your Relationship with Christ Will Grow"
Lesson #361- "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself"
Lesson #362- "Religion Refuses to Acknowledge the Truth about Jesus Christ"
Lesson #363- "Jesus Calls Out the Lies of Religion in Public"
Lesson #364- "Religion Lays the Burden Upon You, Christianity Lays the Burden on Christ"
Lesson #365- "The Word Is the Ultimate Authority"
Lesson #366- "Bible Doctrine Is the Food for a Believer"
Lesson #367- "Understand the Two Power Options"
Lesson #368- "God Speaks to You Through the Power of the Spirit and His Word"
Lesson #369- "God May Be Calling You for a Future Leadership Role"
Lesson #370- "Jesus Boldly Speaks Out on the 8 Woes of Religious Leaders"
Lesson #371- "There Are Sons of Hell Behind Some Pulpits"
Lesson #372- "Eyes on Gold Brings Misery to the Soul"
Lesson #373- "Religion Strains Out a Gnat and Swallows a Camel"
Lesson #374- "The Cleansing Which Matters Is Deep within the Soul"
Lesson #375- "The Person of Understanding and Truth Endures"
Lesson #376- "Religion Rejects Truth Using It as Threads Woven into a Veil of Lies"
Lesson #378- "God Always Opens the Gates of Mercy & Grace Before Judgement"
Lesson #379- "Beware of Counterfeits and False Teachers"
Lesson #380- "When the Lord Steps Away Misery & Chaos Begin"
Lesson #381- "The Jeshurun Is the Key to Spiritual Freedom "
Lesson #382- "Lawlessness Increases When Christ Decreases"
Lesson #383- "The Gospel of Christ Touches Out Across the World"
Lesson #384- "Birth Pains We Live in Now Give Birth to 7 years of Tribulation"
Lesson #385- "The Mystery of Lawlessness Is Already at Work"
Lesson #386- "There Is No Mistaking the Events Leading Up to the 2nd Advent of Chris"
Lesson #387- "The Resurrection of the Nation of Israel"
Lesson #388- "The Seven Seals of Prophecy Are Broken by Christ"
Lesson #389- "The Seventh Seal is Significant"
Lesson #390- "Turn to God Who Can Turn a Curse into a Blessing"
Lesson #391- "Israel Has Promises Yet to Be Fulfilled"
Lesson #392- "Demonic Trends of the Tribulation"
Lesson #393- "The Days of Noah Need to Be In Clear View When Studying the Tribulation"
Lesson #394- "Many People Acknowledge God but Never Come to Believe upon Christ"
Lesson #395- "Be a Prepared Christian, on the Alert for What Is to Come"
Lesson #396- "Thanksgiving 2021"
Lesson #397- "The Faithful Believer is Rewarded"
Lesson #398- "The Baptism of Fire Comes At the 2nd Advent of Christ"
Lesson #399- "The Lake of Fire Is Not a Myth"
Lesson #400- "A Study Into the Depth of Hades"
Lesson #401- "God’s Final Judgement Is the Lake of Fire"
Lesson #402- "The Ten Virgins"
Lesson #403- "Do You Have Enough Oil In Your Lamp?"
Lesson #404- "Are You Fading In The Final Hours?"
Lesson #405- "Is Your Lamp Shining Now?!"
Lesson #406- "Do Not Allow The Door of Salvation To Close!"
Lesson #407- "What Do You Do With Your Time, Talent & Treasure?!"
Lesson #408- "You Never Know When God Will Place a Divine Appointment In Front Of You!"
Lesson #409- "The Overview Of the Millennial Reign Of Christ On Earth!"
Lesson #410- "Jesus Is Our Passover Lamb!"
Lesson #411- "Prideful Religious Leaders Are who Attacked Our Lord!"
Lesson #412- "Women Are The Foundation Of the Ministry!"
Lesson #413- "Do You Understand Wealth And Its Application To Your Life?!"
Lesson #414- "Wealth Is Only an Illusion Without Christ"
Lesson #415- "The Deception of the Riches of this World!"
Lesson #416- "Money Is a Useful Slave but a Wicked Master!"
Lesson #417- "Do You Know Judas Iscariot?!"
Lesson #418- "The Deception and Pain of Betrayal"
Lesson #419- "Jesus Prepares for the Passover"
Lesson #420- "The Preparation of the Passover Lamb"
Lesson #421- "We May Betray Christ but He Never Betrays Us!"
Lesson #422- "Understanding the Last Passover and Lord’s First Supper"
Lesson #423- "The Lord’s Last Supper Became Our First"
Lesson #424- "John’s Perspective on the Last Supper"
Lesson #425- "Emotional Waves Can Carry a Believer Away!"
Lesson #426- "Learn to Nurture Yourself to Be Prepared for Spiritual Warfare!"
Lesson #427- "The Spirit of Righteousness"
Lesson #428- "Sorrow Grips our Lord as The Cross Approached"
Lesson #429- "Understanding the Human Condition Is Key to Your Spiritual Growth!"
Lesson #430- "Become Fully Oriented to Bible Doctrine"
Lesson #431- "Jesus’s Prayers Aligned with the Plan of God the Father"
Lesson #432- "Is Your Prayer Life in Order?"
Lesson #433- "Establish a Standard Within Your Prayer Life"
Lesson #434- "Our Confidence in Prayer Is Established Through the High Priest Jesus Christ"
Lesson #435- "Prayer Effectiveness Is Dependent on Spiritual Skills"
Lesson #436- "Prayer Power Reaches a Peak When It Is Centered in God’s Will"
Lesson #437- "Your Prayer Motivation Matters"
Lesson #438- "Do Not Participate in Mob Mentality!"
Lesson #439- "The Manipulation of the Betrayer"
Lesson #440- "Beware the Kiss of Deception"
Lesson #441- "When the Sword Is Drawn Make Sure It Is the Call of God! "
Lesson #442- "When to Know to Obey God Over Human Authority"
Lesson #443- "God Demands True Justice in Law and Strength in the Military"
Lesson #444- "Strength in the Spiritual Translates to Strength in the Natural"
Lesson #445- "Defend Yourself Against the Attack of Evil"
Lesson #446- "Warfare Can Be The Means of God Establishing or Maintaining a Nation"
Lesson #447- "Military Strength Leads to Greater Prosperity for a Nation!"
Lesson #448- "Every Believer Should Be Prepared for Warfare"
Lesson #449- "Sincerity & Courage Cannot Replace Bible Doctrine and Proper Application!"
Lesson #450- "The Corruption of God’s Word Always Leads to Corruption of the Justice System!"
Lesson #451- "What Type of Witness Does Your Life Offer This Lost and Dying World?"
Lesson #452- "The Structure of Justice and Witnesses Was Established by God"
Lesson #453- "The Deceptive Trials Against Our Lord All Fit into the Perfect Plan of God"
Lesson #454- "Six Unjust Trials and that Brought Forth the Cross of Christ"
Lesson #455- "Jesus Remained Focused on the Cross"
Lesson #456- "Believers Obey God Rather Than Men!"
Lesson #457- "Peter Denied the Lord 3 Times!"
Lesson #458- "Your Security Is Within Your Marriage to Christ"
Lesson #459- "The Old Sin Nature Was Crucified with Christ"
Lesson #460- "The Truth of Eternal Security"
Lesson #461- "Don’t Buy the Lie! ALL True Believers are Going to Heaven"
Lesson #462- "Loss of Rewards or Blessings Is Not Loss of Salvation!"
Lesson #463- "All Sin Was Dealt with on the Cross So You Never Lose Your Salvation!"
Lesson #464- "The Conviction of the Holy Spirit Brings Positive Change"
Lesson #465- "The Consistent Attacks of Satan"
Lesson #466- "Your Norms & Standards Develop from Bible Doctrine!"
Lesson #467- "The Conscience Controlled by the Spirit Ensures Godly Norms & Standards"
Lesson #468- "Bible Doctrine Reestablishes Your Conscience!"
Lesson #469- "Evil Leadership Plots to Ambush"
Lesson #470- "The Potters Field a Place of Misery"
Lesson #471- "The Believer Needs to Understand Mental Separation"
Lesson #472- "How to Recognize Suffering for Blessing"
Lesson #473- "Christian Suffering Is Not a Time for Panic!"
Lesson #474- "Your Thought Process Determines the Extent of Suffering in Your Life!"
Lesson #475- "Rejecting God’s Plan Brings Suffering!"
Lesson #476- "Weak Leaders Allow Weak People to Control Them!"
Lesson #477- "Religion Sparks the Mob!"
Lesson #478- "Religion Is the Culprit of Many Lies!"
Lesson #479- "Religion Is a Satanic Counterfeit!"
Lesson #480- "Jesus Withstood the Scourging!"
Lesson #481- "The True King of Kings Wore the Crown of Thorns for all Mankind!"
Lesson #482- "Sometimes It Takes a Traumatic Event to Lead Us to the Lord"
Lesson #483- "Jesus Is Led to the Cross"
Lesson #484- "Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise"
Lesson #485- "Spiritual Death Was Nailed to the Cross!"
Lesson #486- "Darkness Fell upon the Earth!"
Lesson #487- "The Sin Barrier Was Torn Apart and Broken Down"
Lesson #488- "Faithful Women of God Are a Foundation in Christianity"
Lesson #489- "The Blood of Christ Represents the Doctrine of Soteriology"
Lesson #490- "Deception Is a Satanic Tool Believers Overcome with Truth"
Lesson #491- "Jesus Christ Was Sealed in the Tomb"
Lesson #492- "The Risen Messiah Appears!"
Lesson #493- "Our Lord in Resurrection Glory!"
Lesson #494- "Jesus Had 17 Appearances After Resurrection"
Lesson #495- (Missing/Removed/Possible Numbering Error)
Lesson #496- "The Judicial Process Was Fulfilled in the Resurrection!"
Lesson #497- "Christ Victory March Began in the Depths of the Earth"
Lesson #498- "Fake News Was Even a Popular Tool in the Ancient World!"
Lesson #499- "The Frustration of Failure Ignites Deception within Arrogant People"
Lesson #500- "The Lust for Money Is a Root of Evil!"
Lesson #501- "At the Ascension the Doctrine of the Hypostatic Union Became Undeniable"
Lesson #502- "A View from the Gospel of Mark 16"
Lesson #503- "Either God’s Word Or the Cosmic System Will Become Your Guiding Light!"
Lesson #504- "Jesus Christ Taught about the New Church Age Before the Ascension"
Lesson #505- "God the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament"
Lesson #506- "Baptism of the Spirit Is What We Have in the Church Age"
Lesson #507- "Revealing the Church Age at the End of the Gospels"
Lesson #508- "The Age of Gentiles Began the Human Race"
Lesson #509- "Recognize the Dispensations Leading Up to the Church Age"