Services are uploaded between 2:30 and 4:30 pm EST: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
Services are uploaded between 2:30 and 4:30 pm EST: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
(Eph 6:18)
Hover over the individual's name, then "Click" on the individuals name to see the details of the needed prayer request!
Pray for true Israel as the nation is under attack and the war in the Middle East continues to escalate.
Please keep the family members of all those who perished in your prayers. Also, pray for those on the ground dealing with the aftermath. Pray for the integrity of the investigation.
Please keep Lisa in prayer. She is a long time follower of the ministry.
Please keep all those affected by the wildfires in CA in your prayers. 25 people have died thus far, many people have lost all their personal possessions and homes, many people have no insurance, many people are not getting their basic necessities. Please pray for the first responders, medical care workers, and city officials in the midst of this event. Pray for the Father’s will in all this. Pray for our Lord to be glorified.
This is Bobby C’s mother. Bobby is her caretaker and he has health issues of his own. Please keep them both in your prayers. Pray for healing, pray for contentment, pray for comfort, pray for the medical community supporting them, Pray for the Father’s will.
This is Sarah’s Mother. She has been ill and is now going for further testing, possibly a pre-cancer evaluation. Please pray for her healing, pray for encouraging results, pray for the physicians and nurses around her, pray for Sarah and Jeff, pray for the Father’s will.
We have an answered prayer here for those praying for Shawn. The investigation is complete and he has been cleared. It appears he will be going back to work.
Thank you to the prayer Warriors!
This is a friend and fellow police officer who works with Robert D. He is going through an administrative investigation at work, he is a believer, please pray for him and the integrity of the investigation.
Please continue to pray for Cliff, this is Rob S’s friend who had been diagnosed with ALS. He has since received a second opinion and it appears that the initial diagnosis could have been wrong. He is scheduled to have specific bone and nerve damage evaluated, which could be the cause of his problems. Pray for discernment for the medical care workers, pray for Cliff’s strength, pray for full recovery, pray for the Father’s will.
Please pray for the whole Panhandle region of Florida as well as those in the surrounding states and municipalities, like GA, TN, and NC. These storms were particularly powerful and many have been touched by devastation and flooding. Pray for those displaced, those needing medical care, and those in need.
This is a personal friend of Pastor’s. He is going into surgery to have some tumors removed. Please pray for Don, the doctors & nurses, and all his support system.
James has notified Pastor that his Father-in-Law has gone to be home with the Lord. Please pray for James and Lisa, especially Lisa as she has lost her father. These are longtime followers of the ministry.
This is Pastor's sister-in-law. She has been dealing with recovery after surgery. Please pray for comfort, pray for strength, pray for her support system, pray for a full recovery.
Cameron is a long time follower of the ministry. His father is battling cancer. Pray for comfort, pray for his healing, pray for his spirit. Pray for the Father's will. Pray for Cameron, pray for his discernment, pray for his peace, pray for his strength.
Pray for those in the middle of the war between Ukraine and Russia. Pray for the the innocent and pray for the truth and God's will to be revealed in that conflict.
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Savanna has had her baby girl. Please pray for the whole family as the addition of a new child and grandchild comes with its own obstacles.
Agnes’ mom, Sarah, has requested we pray for her. She is dealing with medical issues. Please pray for healing, pray for the doctors and nurses treating/caring for her, pray for resolve and strength, pray for her family support system around her.
Acording to Agnes’ father she has now been admitted to a specialty hospital and is being treated for liver issues.
Rob is a MA police officer defending the thin blue line. Pray for his safety, Pray for his family’s comfort, as he goes out each day to do one of the most difficult jobs one can do. Pray for his daughter
Growth of the ministry, strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit in Pastor's message preparation, protection from the king of darkness, gratitude for the line by line, precept upon precept, teaching of the Word of God.
Rileigh is the teenage daughter of a friend Marla worked with for years. She has been diagnosed with leukemia. She is at St Jude’s Children’s and in her first round of chemo, she’s had five treatments. Please pray for the whole family, pray for comfort, pray for contentment, pray for healing, pray for the Father’s will.
This is Pete’s children’s grandfather. He has had a stroke and is in rehabilitation. He has a long road to recovery and will need prayer. Pray for the Lord’s mercy and grace.
Nathan is in the position of caregiver for his aging and ailing mother. Being a caregiver to your parents come with great challenge. Please pray for him and her.
Please pray for the whole family. Aunt Donna has gone home to the Lord. She is a believer. We can rejoice in her eternal security but she is a beloved member of their family, please pray for comfort, contentment, and peace of mind.
This is Pastor’s son-in law and step-daughter. Angel has been dealing with illness issues and he and Pamela are a young couple with a new baby in the family. New family stresses.
This is an older gentleman who Pastor works out with at the gym. He is a recent, within the past two years, widower. He needs prayer for his lonliness.
Tim and Christina are still dealing with the issues that came with refusing to take the COVID vaccine for work. They both work in the medical profession.
Karen and her husband live in Florida, close to Pastor. They are in need of your prayer.
Benjamin is a doctrinal and Godly man. He is a soccer coach and a teacher in Zimbabwe. He follows the ministry and is praying one day to reach a conference. Pray for doctrinal discernment through the Spirit, pray for his students, pray for Benjamin’s plan, praise and thank God that the ministry is reaching into places like Zimbabwe.
Pete has had some chronic medical issues related to atrial fibrillation (Afib). These issues can keep him out of work. Pray for discernment, healing, comfort, and the contentment of the Spirit.
This is Pete’s good friend who is going into surgery for a related heart valve issue. Please pray for his recovery. Pray for the doctors who will be working on him, and the nurses who care for him.
She has an infection. Pray for healing.
Please also pray for Carol and the company she works for as they are dealing with possible hacking and ransomware issues. Pray for protection, pray for discernment.
Revell is a faithful disciple and student of the Word, living in the devil’s world. Pray for the Lord’s grace and mercy.
Kara is going through some difficult medical issues that are arduous. Please pray for the doctors and nurses around her, as well as for her healing.
This is Pastor Rick’s and Sonia’s granddaughter. She’s having digestive and developmental issues, she is an infant.
Lenny was in an accident, pray for him and his family.
Diagnosed with cancer.
Starting new in-home Bible study group.
Here is a prayer written by Pastor R.B. Thieme III. This is for your own study and enlightenment, and it came to us via Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries in, Somerset MA. We need to thank Samantha Medeiros for passing this on to us.
It’s called “Prayer for the nation”. It was written/spoken November, 9th 2016.
(Thank you Cliff for the clarification on the attribution.)
With our heads bowed and our eyes closed.
Heavenly Father, our Great God in Heaven and on Earth, we recognize that prayer is a power beyond what any human being can comprehend.
No power on Earth can equal it, and we have witnessed that power in the petitions of so many for a new direction in the history of our nation,
prayer for the return of divine establishment values that have produced the blessings of freedom and the extent of which is unequaled in the history of the world.
We recognize, Father, that You have a plan for every believer in Jesus Christ and, first and foremost, that plan is to grow spiritually so as to ensure the continued existence of this client nation, the United States of America;
that because of the faithfulness of mature believers, You might honor and preserve this nation.
This is our request, Father, that we as believers follow this simple outline to personal and national blessing.
So, Father, thank You for this great nation, for the insight You gave to the founding fathers by which to govern this nation, for the divisions of power so that our destiny does not reside in the hands of one person, a tyrant.
Therefore, Father, we pray for those in authority who will lead us, not dictate to us.
We lift up our Congress, Father, the House of Representatives and the Senate, that they would make laws that are just and conform to the principles of freedom and divine establishment. Give them wisdom to make decisions that would strengthen and prosper our nation, not for the good of mere ideologies or parties or individuals but the nation.
And, Father, we humbly request what should be a prayer on the lips of every believer in the years to come, that You guide our president, the leader of our nation, in the way You would have him go, that You would surround our president with wise counsel, men and women of integrity who place the good of the nation above the self-centered, arrogant motives of the past, that Your agenda, not politics or personal power, --- be the driving force behind his decisions,
that You might work through him for the good of this nation. Give him discernment, understanding, knowledge, wisdom that this nation may know stability at home and strength abroad.
We pray, Father, that You would direct him in these times of crisis, to help him respond thoughtfully, decisively and effectively to each situation with moral courage. May divinely sanctioned decisions be brought to his mind at those moments so that he might do what is right in Your eyes and not the ways of expediency. May he follow Your will to lead this nation in the paths of righteousness and truth.
And, Father, we pray that You might encourage and strengthen our nation as one nation under God. Surround us with Your hedge of protection in the devil’s world.
Guide us, as believers in a client nation, to ways that are pleasing in Your sight,
--- a sweet savor of doctrine and grace,
--- that we might be instrumental in the preservation of freedom and justice in our nation.
But may we never forget, Father, the dangers of putting our trust in man, even in men of great power with good intentions. May we continue to direct our minds and thoughts toward You and toward Your Word. May we not be caught up and led astray in human actions that do not conform to Your will.
And we pray, Father, that You would raise up strong voices in our nation that would encourage and rally believers to follow the course laid out for us in Your Word, voices in pulpits across America that will speak the Truth of the Word of God and doctrine and that we, as believers, might carry the torch- of your standards into the battles ahead that will be fought in the angelic conflict.
Father, we have a spiritual heritage that is the backbone of this nation. May we be true to that heritage. America began as a God-loving, God- fearing, God-centered nation.
As believers, Father, let us remember and continue that mode in the years to come.
It is our national salvation, just as You are our Salvation.
We ask this in the Name of our Lord and Savior, who is Jesus Christ. Amen."